Archive for 2012

Network effects

There’s so much hype and bullshit in the world of network marketing I am surprised someone hasn’t written a book about it already.

Cross-channel communications

The more communications channels you have access too, and make use of, the greater the opportunity you have to sell, to market, to make others aware of your product or service. You can use the same message, usually modified slightly to meet the requirements of the communications channel, to make your audience, potential and otherwise, aware of an opportunity. If you aren’t making use of at least 80% of your open and accessible communications channels to reach your audience, you are severely limiting your growth.

Demanding a supply

Demand does not necessarily rise to meet supply. Your skill, product, service or location is not dictated by you but by the market. You can influence the market (to a degree), you can even corner the market (for a while), but you cannot ever demand that the market want what you have in stock.

Metrics matter

Publishing and putting our name on something lets us measure how good that something is. Though we want to make sure we use the right measurement. Measuring social media popularity either means you had something worthwhile to say or you’re an exhibitionist. Not a good measurement. How well something sells in the marketplace can sometimes be a good measurement as long as the measurement isn’t being artificially manipulated by paid voices telling us what to like. Good measurements are ones that let us determine where we are going right that isn’t measured solely by popularity. Great measurements are ones that let us determine where we are going right because we figured out which of the ones available that other people came up with that we can apply to our startup. Really great measurements are ones that let us determine where we are going right because we figured out the measurements. And fantastic measurements are ones that let us determine not only where we are going right but where we are going wrong too.

A virus that leads you by the nose

Be like a politician, have a different piece of viral content for each audience segment you address.

A message on aging healthcare is of interest to people 65 and over.

Not so much to the jaded hipster living on coffee and hope.

Create multiple messages that lead each segment to your product or service.

Resonate frequency of a virus

Viral content resonates.

Not with everyone.

Viral content resonates with a micro-audience that garners “That’s so me!” as a response in your intended audience followed by “I need to share this with other people that are just like me.”

But the best viral content?

“I know something just like this, I need to share it with them.”

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